Impact Stories


Uweza Sponsorship Program

Lizzy lost both parents at a young age and grew up in a one-room house with nine people. A scholarship from Uweza changed her life, funding her education and providing her with a mattress, a significant improvement over the two sacks she used to put together to sleep on the floor.

During the lockdown induced by the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, Lizzy became pregnant with her son. She returned to school one month later, relieved to see her scholarship waiting. She graduated high school in 2022.

She is now working toward a Diploma in Early Years Education while her son attends daycare, both funded through a scholarship from Uweza. She thanks Uweza for believing in her and giving her the tools to persevere through life's challenges.


Uweza Sponsorship Program, Uweza Soccer Academy

John grew up in a one-room house in Kibera with his single mom. He heard about the Uweza soccer team from a friend and loved attending practices and games on weekends. After finishing primary school, he had no hope of joining high school, given that the costs were beyond his mother's means.

But in what he describes as a "miracle," Uweza invited him for an interview and later provided him with a full scholarship. Over the next four years, he saved any extra money he could earn. After graduating high school, he started an online clothing business that recently grew into a physical shop.

He now describes himself as the "next big fashion house in Kenya." And this year, he began a Diploma in Entrepreneurship, supported by Uweza.


Uweza Soccer Academy, Bright Futures

Esther grew up in a family of six children that faced constant threats of eviction as her parents struggled to make ends meet. At age 10, soccer became her escape and beacon of hope. She learned about Uweza Soccer Academy through a friend, joined the team, and felt her life course begin to shift.

Last year, at 22 years old, Esther received a business start-up grant, training, and mentorship from our Bright Futures program. She started a pool table business that has become so profitable that she can support her family and sibling's education. She recently expanded her ventures by adding a snack and fries stall. Her advice to other girls is, "Never give up on your passions. Your dreams can be the stepping stones to a better life for yourself and your family."


Uweza Art Gallery

In 2015, Frank lived in Kibera and worked in construction, repairing roads around Nairobi. Though he had always had the talent and passion for art, he couldn't find opportunities to earn an income through it and had to focus on a job that would help support his parents and younger siblings. Frank discovered Uweza Art Gallery and began painting full-time. He started to sell his paintings and, in 2017, was employed by Uweza to manage the gallery.

In 2018, under Frank's leadership, the gallery became self-sustaining for the first time in its five-year history. Frank was also the best-selling artist at the gallery that year. In 2019, the gallery moved out of a one-room shipping container to a two-story, permanent building in Olympic Estate. Frank continues to oversee all activities at the gallery, including our art classes for children. Through Uweza, he found a path that allowed him to earn an income and share his talents with his community and the world.


Bright Futures

Mercy grew up in rural Kenya. After completing high school with excellent grades, she moved to Nairobi to chase her dream of becoming a nurse. Despite her determination, financial constraints thwarted four attempts to secure a spot in nursing school. She started working odd jobs and later met and married her husband.

In 2016, a friend introduced her to the Bright Futures program at Uweza. The program initially provided her with a loan for a secondhand clothing business, but when her aspiration came to light, it became a shared mission. She received a full scholarship from Uweza to attend nursing school and graduated this year. When asked about what she would want to say to Uweza supporters, Mercy broke into tears of joy. "I never gave up on my dream, and Uweza Foundation played a big role in making it a reality."


Uweza Soccer Academy

Pauline is one of seven children and grew up in a one-room house in Kibera. She loved soccer from a young age, but because girls were discouraged from playing, she had to sneak and follow her brother to join training sessions. Eventually, her determination paid off, and she received a scholarship from a soccer team to pursue her other passion: becoming a veterinarian.

One year before completing her studies, her scholarship suddenly ended. She was sure she would have to drop out of college until a friend told her about the Uweza women's team. From there, everything changed. Uweza covered the fees for her last two semesters, and she graduated from veterinary school in May 2023. She is now a key player for Uweza Women FC, living her dream of playing soccer as she eagerly waits to register with The Kenya Veterinary Board.

These stories and images are portrayed with the consent of Uweza program participants. They represent the experiences of over 300 young people and their families who benefit from Uweza’s programs and services.

Photo and story credit: Cedrick Joseph
Cedrick is a Kibera resident and graduate of Uweza’s photography courses.